.It was second decade of 20th century,Except a few' temple of learning '.most area of the district was stepped in ignorence,with fervant zea land relentless effort of afew education loving people 'our school Siddheswaritala Institution was set up on the auspicious day of Rathajatra on 7th july 1921.There were challanges and obstractions but S.T.I is still enlighting people and spreading the light of knowledge like the mother institution.It now turned itself into best centre of learning with the collective co-operation of teaching and non teaching staff,member of M.C,guardians&ofcourse the educationists of our locality.We aim not only to bring our academic excellence but also we encourage our students to participate in co curricular activities such as game and sports,cultural activities etc.We take pride in our well equipped library,labratory ,computer education,eco club and multi gym.Cleanliness is another area we pay utmost importance .We have already achieved Nirmal Vidyalaya award for our sincere effort to encourage cleanliness among our students.
But there are other sides too.The century old school is now burdened with age.The old buildings need to be renovated.Besides,the want of a cycle -shed .and an auditorium and for ICT project always haunts us.We are optimistic enough to get over these crises in near future .The much awaited centenary celebration,that has been postponed due to the recent pandemic,has broken our heart.But we are hoping& hope that those black days will surely come to end& our dream ",centenary celebration" will be fulfilled.
Finnaly,I feel proud to be the Head Master of this century-old school & I am determind to carry on the heritage of the school & I believe that with the sincere co-operation of all,I will be successful.