Barasat Mahatma Gandhi Memorial High School is counted among the most prestigious higher secondary(10+2) schools in West Bengal. With the efforts of some educationists and social activists in post-independence India, the school was set up barely 27 days after the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, and as such, the initiators had no hesitation in naming the school after the Mahatma. In fact, deliberation in that direction had started at the fag end of August 1947 when the Mahatma attended a prayer meeting at Barasat.
Guided quite well for seven decades by efficient Managing Committees and dedicated teachers, the school has been producing remarkable results all through these years. There has been near hundred percent success rates in both the Secondary and Higher Secondary Examinatios. More often than not, students have broken into the first 10 or 20 in State rankings. Besides, every year scores of students from this school have cleared the Joint Entrance and other competitive exams. It is a result of our constant endeavour to achieve excellence.
Students of this school are spread across the globe, working in posts of responsibility and reputation. Not to mention those who are well-established in entrepreneurships. Our students have excelled not only in studies, but also in culturalactivities, social works and in the fields of games and sports. Many of the alumni have refused to let their days at the school into oblivion even long after they left school. Some of them have made it a habit to keep in touch with the school authority and to extend helping hands in every possible way.
One such group of former students is the 1991 Madhyamik(Secondary) batch. Students of that batch, now all in their early 40s, came up with a surprisinly grand felicitation of their teachers on 4 January 2014. On that day they also pledged to extend all kinds of help to further the academic excellence of the school. They have kept their words. They have already donated computers, offered help for the needy students, updated the school website and come up with valuable inputs towards digitalisation.
With such enthusiasm and experience at hand, and with favourable Govt. schemes in the see, hopefully the school will retain its place upfront and be a-breast with the changing times.