From the Head Of Institution Desk

      Welcome to Shibtala Adarsha High School. On behalf of all the staffs I greet you all for the academic session 2020.

               Uttering the famous quote of Swami Vivekananda " Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man'--- I want to remember that purpose of  education is to create quest for knowledge in students and help them to realise their full potential. But the ultimate purpose is to produce good citizen who are responsible , comitted and who can contribute to the progress , peace and harmony of the nation.

               To achieve this an all round education is required in joyful ambience.This is our main objective.We belive that " An ounce of practice is more than a ton of talks". So the ultimate word to our students is ---WILL TO WORK AND WILL TO WIN AND GO AHEAD FOR A BETTER FUTURE.