From the Head Of Institution Desk

Welcome to Sonamukhi B.J High School.

Sonamukhi B.J High School is one of the oldest institution of the  Bankura District. The school was recognized by the Calcutta University in 1887.The school was upgraded XI standard in 1957 with Arts & commerce. The science section started in 1959. The H.S (10+2) General stream course was introduced in 1976 (Vide memo no. Recog/2667 dt. 17.05.1976)/The vocational course introduced by the West Bengal state council of vocational education & Training in 2006.Since inception the school produced a galaxy of bright stars. Sonamukhi B.J High school not a name, but fame recognized even aboard for its axiomatic alumni - like Padmabhusan Swadesh Chatterjee, who internationalized their names by their activities and creativity.

In the Year 2005 Arindal Santra an alumni of the school stood first in M.P Exam. In the same year Afzal Middya secured 15th position in the same exam.In 2007 Sinchan Samanta stood 5th in the M.P Exam. In 2017 Dipendu Gorai and Debdoot Mukhopadhayay ranked 7th and 13th respectively  in the M.P Exam. and Sayanti Kundu and Sriradha Guin Ranked 9th and 16th in the H.S Exam respectively.Sabarna Hati and Pravat Dutta ranked 9th and 10th in the M.P Exam.2020 respectively and Manohar Dey ranked 9th in the H.S exam in the same year.

The school did excel in co - curricular activities too.The emarge as the champion in the District level YPC in 2009 and participated in the state level competetionand 2017 our team stood 3rd in District level YPC.

The sonamukhi B.J. High school with its enchanting philosophy of building bright and dedicated future citizen has continuing to soar high towards the centre of excellence.


Manoranjan Chongre
