From the Head Of Institution Desk

HOI Desk


      Schools are social institutions to shape, mould and remould its citizens as required for and by society itself.. The aims and objectives of these institutions have undergone various changes with the changing in various ethos of society. But the basic aims and objectives always remain the same, that is, to manifest ‘the perfection already in man’ in the way approved by society for its survival. With these views in mind, it is our pledge to make and remake the school constantly so that it may become the most sacred place for learning in the world- so that it may draw and attract the best geniuses and talents of our society for the manifestation of their spirit. To run the school in such a way and to lead it to the best objectives set, cooperation and coordination of different people involved directly and indirectly, are necessary. Cordial and sanguine thanks for them. You’re most welcome in the school.

 materialize the future plans for the development and maintenance of the school huge money is necessary. All the Guardians, Ex-students and well-wishers are requested to come forward with their level-best co-operation, both mentally and financially.