
      In the early sixties some educationaly interested people of Rampur area of Harsura G.P. started work for the establishment of a high school to propagate education among the local boys and girls. Within a fewdays they able to convinced the locals to contribute any thing to build school.

     Finaly in the year 1961 the school started in a donated land as 2 class Jr. High School with recognition of WBBSE. In 1964 the school up graded as 4 class Jr. High School and in 1967 upgraded as (X) class High School with Co-education. Since the inception the school tried hard to fullfill the aspiration of local pupils, most of them ate under privilaged.

     In the year 1997 the school upgraded  to H.S. school under WBCHSE. The school established a Vocational unit from 2007 for VIII + and X + students.