Previously Dubrajpur was a village now it is a Municipal area. Dubrajpur girls high school is situated in this Municipal area in the district of Birbhum. The popular mama bhagne Pahar is half kilometre away from this institution. The great Bakreswar Dham is within 10 kilometre distance from the school.The school is located by the side of Dubrajpur Bakreshwar main road . An old Durga Temple popularly known as "Abhaya Mandir" is adjacent to this school.
Establishment- Dubrajpur Girls' High School was established in 1953.The then some educationalists and social workers such as Late Dr. Kanakkanti Mitra , Late Kalikrishna Mitra , Late Gouripada Mukherjee, Latr Rabindranath Kabiraj and others felt to set up an institution to spread the girls education in and around of this locality.
Donation of land.- by virtue of philanthropic attitude, dubrajpur kobiraj family donated the land to setup the school.
Primary stage.- at the initial stage the school was Dubrajpur Primary School for Girls. In course of time the School has been elevated upto class 9. In 1961 the school was affiliated by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
Forced appeared for examination- in 1962 seven students appeared for school final examination. Letter on Madhyamik syllabus was introduced in this institution.
Higher Secondary section- in 1985 Higher Secondary section was started with arts and science stream.
By virtue of efficient administration of the then HM Nivedita Dutta the institution became an ideal institution in the district. Since the Inception of the institution the teachers are imparting lesson to their beloved students sincerely.A large number of students of this institution are established and earned a great family in their respective professions.
There is a big hostel for the scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe girl students within the campus of this institution. There is a good library in this institution comprising more than 1000 books. The school is now three storeyed building equipped with drinking water facility and toilets.
Conclusion- present teacher and staff of this institution are paying homage to those persons who took initiative to set up this institution and also to ex teachers who lead the candle of education in early days.