Dhubulia subhas chandra balika vidyalaya , Govt. sponsored girls high school was established in 1955 with the noble viiew to cater quality education to the girls students of the locality under the iniciative of our first headmistress Late Smt. Lily Saha . Initially in absence of her own building , the school was run from the building of her brother concern, Dhubulia deshbandhu high school in tthe morning session.
Now our school has own building handing 1954 students, 39 teaching and 4 non-teaching staff . there are three blocks in our school. 'A' block is three stoseyed building handing well furnished class room with attached toilets in every storey . 'B' block & 'C' block is two storeyed building with well furnished class rooms & attached toilets. Our geography Lab, science Lab, computer Lab, ICT computer Lab, K-yan Room, library are well furnished with all facilities . Mid -day-meal kitchen, dining with proper driking water facilities are there.