
Our school K.T.D.R. Vidyapith High school was established in the year 1970.

This school has been recognised as a 2-class Junior High School from 01.01.1974 by the W.B.B.S.E. vide memo No. 616 Jr School Date: 20.08.1974 w.e.f. 01.01.1974.

This School has been upgraded as 2-class to 4-class Junior High School from 01.01.1984 by the W.B.B.S.E. vide memo No. S/123, Date: 28.02.1984 w.e.f. 01.01.1984.

This School has been recognisad as X-class High School from 01.05.1992 by the W.B.B.S.E. vide memo No. S/505, Date: 29.09.1992 w.e.f. 01.05.1992.

After recognition as High School by the W.B.B.S.E. the first Head masrer has joint in this School on 01.02.2005.

In the men time from 01.05.1992 to 31.01.2005 the School as organised by different T.I.C.s.

The name of this School K.T.D.R. Vidyapith has made significantly. The School situated nearby Four adgecent villages vig- (i) Kalipur (ii) Tarinipur (iii) Durgapur and (iv) Roydanga.

Heir K stands for Kalipur, T stands for Tarinipur, D stands for Durgapur, and R stands for Roydanga.

After Upgradition from Junior High School to High School the name of first Head master is Shankar Prosad Ganguly.