This school was established during 1938. This school started it's academic functioning from 1/2/1938. Nonigopal Laskar of village Dhuturdaha, P.S Minakhan was the first headmaster of this school. He is the respected founder personality of the school village. There was no primary school at the village. Dhuturdaha Junior Basic School is situated at village Dhuturdaha block of district North 24 pgs. At the time of foundation this school had no proper pakka building.
Now our school has a big playground, 6 classrooms, 1kitchen , 1 dining hall, 2sets of toilet.
Head Teacher's list.
1) Nonigopal Laskar (1946- 1954)
2) Bharat Chandra Mondol (1955-1967)
3) Shibani Banerjee (1968-2004)
4) Tapasranjan Laskar (2004-2016)
Teacher- In- charge
1) Kartick Chandra Sarkar (2017-2019)
2) Asma Khatun (2020.....