In 1954,Bandipur Girls High School wasestablished. It is Located in Haripal Block of Hooghly.The medium of instrution of the school is bengali.The school Prouides education to students from class 5 to 12. the school was promoted to Secondary standerd in 2006.
There are 25 dedicated teachers who impart quality education to children in this goverment aided school. The student strengthis approximetely 732 The school has given exceptional results in the academic aphare and its students too from 2014 the school is prouiding free computer learning to the students of class 5 to 10 through ICT project.
The school has Goverment building. It has 21 class rooms for intructional purpose .The school has electric connection.The source of drinking water inthe school is hand pump. The school has a library and has 3000 books in this library. The school has ramp for phycically challenged children and one jim room. The school prouides prepares mid day mil to the students .Every member of the school is committed to prouide the best learning envirnment.