It is one of the premier HINDI medium school of HOOGHLY district. The school was established on 25th day of AUGUST 1952.In 2019 ENGLISH MEDIUM was also started in the school.The school was started as a primary school with Late Sheo Prasad sah as the first Head Teacher of the school. Later on in 1953 due to efforts of Late Radha Raman Lal, Late Matukdhari Lal,Late Nagina Lal and Late Thakur sah donated land for the school and a TRUST DEED was signed in 1953. Trust deed of that time clearly shows that RISHRA VIDYAPITH was declared as a PUBLIC SCHOOL right from the begining. It was also stated that land and property existing there can be used for the school, Maternity home,Hospital or Temple.School was upgraded to Secondary in 1955. Initially Late Singhashan Rai Siddhesh was Headmaster of this school. Lateron, Late Shiwadhar Ojha became the Headmaster of the school and continued till 1996. He and Late Jamuna Rai Sharma played major role in developing the infrastructure of the school.
The school came under Grant in aid in 1962.
in the year 1969, the then Headmaster of the school Late Shiwadhar Ojha and Late Jamuna Rai Sharma formed a Society namely RISHRA VIDYAPITH EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY vide the SOCIETY REGISTRATION ACT OF 1961.The said society had claimed that it was the founding body of the school.It was also claimed that the said Society was established on 15 th day of AUGUST 1952. The said society even tried to get special constitution for the school. A prayer was also made with WBBSE which was rejected. The members of the society filed a writ petition with Hon'ble High Court Kolkata,which was resent to the WBBSE. The Executive committee of WBBSE heard the matter and its judgement held that: Rishra Vidyapith was formed prior to the Trust. also the Rishra Vidyapith Educational Society is not at the same footing with the TRUST as they have submitted MEMORANDUM of society which is not a TRUST DEED. The society was registered in 1969, whereas school was established in 1952 and was recognised in 1955,much ahead of it. So, special constitution was not granted to the claimant body.Also, the Executive committee of the WBBSE noted that the Society that claims to be TRUST BODY do not have any legitimate cooption papers etc.
Late Shiwadhar Ojha retired on 1995,then Sri Narendra Kumar Singh remained Teacher in charge of the school. Sri Angad Ojha was appointed as Headmaster of the school in 2005.After his tenure Sri Ashok Kumar Singh and Sri Udai Ram became the Teacher in charge of the school.
Th school became a Govt Sponsored Institution in 2013.
In 2014 Sri Pramod Kumar Tiwari was appointed as Headmaster by the West Bengal School Service Commission.After his Joining the members of Rishra Vidyapith Educational Society again filed a writ in High court claiming that Govt couldnot acquire land of the society and they also claimed that two members from the society be made members in the sponsored committee. The High court in its order transferred the matter to the secretary school Education department for hearing the society.The matter related to the same was heard in the ADIS(SE),Serampore.
Since then the school is a Government sponsored school.However there is no sponsored committee in the school and the school is having Administrator(Sri Ganesh Chandra Bag,AI of schools Sadar).