The school was established in the year 1959 with the help of local educationist well-wishers who come forward with the great enthusiasm and donated about 30 Bighas of Land for the construction of the school. The school authority is profoundly indebted to the donors and well-wishers for their magnanimity and invaluable contributions.
The school was recognized as 2-class Junior High School w.ef 01.04.1959 vide D.I of schools Purulia memo No 3279(4)/5R-92-59 dt- 22/10/1959. Recognized as 4-class Junior High School w.ef 01.03.1961, vide DPI, W.B, Memo No- 13155/(1)sc/S/6R-1128/61 dt 06/10/1961. Recognized as X- class High School w.ef from 01.01.1963, vide W.B.B.S.E Memo No- 1434/G dt- 15.01.1963. recognized as XII class school from 01.07.1978 vide W.B.C.H.S.E Memo No- 6370/secry. Date- 22.08.1978