The school initially named Khidderpore Muslim junior High School ,was established on 18th July 1952 at 13 Brownfeld Row, Kolkata 27 by the local youths in one big room comprising mud walls tiles roof at Kobikhet Mosque. The classes were held at the verandah of the mosque. After the initiative of the organising committee ,teachers ,gorgeous and the members of the mominpur iddgah committee, the school was shifted to mominpur is at 22/2 Momin Pura Road Kolkata 23 in the year 1962.
the school God recognition from the WBBSE as junior High School in 1967 at that time this was the only recognised Urdu Junior High School in this vast area of khidderpore for the Urdu medium students.This school god recognition as a high school in the year 1980.