PUTIMARI HIGH SCHOOL started its journey in 1969 .This journey was not easy without the help of some nobel people. The first meeting of its establishment was held in 1967. In this meeting the decision of its establishment was taken.But first problem to establish the school was lack of fund. But the organisers collected donation from door to door.to get overcome the challenge . As a result the school was established in 1968.It got its GOVT. registration in 1969.It started its initiaal journey with class v and vi. Next class vii and viii.It was upgrated to SECONDARY level in 1982 and HIGHER SECONDARY level in 2009.Mr. NILKANTA MUKHERJEE , the first president of the school, took a major role in this establishment and its first secretary KHUDIRAM BARMAN also played important role in this establishment.Besides, near about 40 interested people in education of contemporary society had their contribution in its establishment.