Ambiok Jr. High School was established in the year 1986 and recognized in the year 1988 as the Junior High School in the month of August. Mr Tara Mani Rai, Mr. Mani Prasad Rai, Mr. Gopal Yonzone, Mr .G.S. Rai, Mr. C.L. Rai and others have given their precious time in the past and have actively participated in the upbringing of the school. From the very beginning of the school Mr. Ashish Saarkar, Saran Tamang, Santosh Tamang ,Lt Bhaichand Pradhan , Rajen Tamang, D.R. Sharma , Gouri Nembang, G. R.Tamang, Bijay Tamang, Janak Chhetri, Madan Pradhan and so on reandered their valuable services as volunteer teachers to the school.
After recognition the Managing Committee appointed the approved teachers. But the school was in a very poor condition ( the school was kutcha, it was made of mud and bamboo).There was no proper class room yet the teachers were compelled to run the classes .In due course of time the days became more difficult, the building started withering and the teachers and the students had trouble a giving and taking classes. Initially the teachers contributed to repair the ceiling of the school building. The school also organized sports meet, cultural events annually .
In the year 1992 a single storied school building was built with the D.M fund 2.5.Lakhs . After some years the first floor of the building was constructed ( M.P Fund and B.A. D Project) In due course of time the building wretched and the students and staff suffered . There was no support of fund from the government for the “Madhyamik Pariksha Kendra”.Despite the difficulties we have conducted “Madhyamik Pariksha” every year in our school. Later GTA granted Rupees One Crore Two Lakhs for the construction of new school building.