
Our school, 'Dignagar Hattala Silver Jubilee Institution' was established on February 15, 1935. But the first meeting took place for the estblisment of the present school on January 29, 1935. The name of the school at that time was 'Dignagar English High School'. The school is said to have been open for teaching from class III to class VIII at that time. The school was founded by the respected Shri Kshetranath Mukhopadhyay and the respected Shri Gopiraman Dey Mahasay both. The respected Shri Ramdhani Datta Mahasay donated land for the establisment of the school. The playground of the school was donated by the respected Shri Gopiraman Dey Mahasay. The first meeting of the schools' governing body was held on February 10,1935. The present name of the school is since May 5, 1935. It was first recognized as a 10th class high school in 1946 by the Calcutta University. Students from this school first took the matriculation examination in 1947. Gain the approval of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, as a former eleventh grade high school in the Arts department in 1967 and in the Science department in 1970. The government grant system was introduced in the school from March,1948. Gain the approval of West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, as the present twelfth (10+2) grade school on 08.08.2000. The first head master of the school was Shri Paran Chandra Chakrabarti.