Gopalpur Muktakeshi Vidyalaya is renowned and glorious institution of this locality. It is situated at Village -Gopalpur, P.O.-Reorah-Gopalpur, Block-Jamalpur, District-Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal.
It has a historical significance. The school was set up on 5th January, 1922 during the Mahatma Gandhi's non-cooperation movement against the British rule,with the monetary help of LateBijoy Krishna Kumar and Late Raj Ballav Kumar, Late Animesh Chandra Halder and his brother Late Bhusan Chandra Halder had decided to set up the school on their land. They also decided to impose the concept of keeping the school closed on Sunday as a symbol of protest against the British rule. This is continuing till now.
At the beginning English subject was not taught in this school. In 1925 the school was recognized under the Calcutta University. From then English subject was taught in this school. Late BhupendranathNayek was the first H.M of this school.
Late Kali pada Bandhopaddhyay,the eminent scholar of village Gopalpurhad served this institution as headmaster for a long time. During his tenure the school gathered a lot of fame in the district. The present school authority is trying their best for maintaining the glorious academic and administrative atmosphere of this school.
The great writer Syed Mustafa Siraz was the famous student of this school.
The school is going to observe the contenary celebration on 5th January,2021.