Rules & Regulations

General School RuleS

1. All the teachers and students must attend the school premises by 10:45 am.

2. Students must behave in proper manner with all staff members.

3. Students must participate in all co-curricular activities.

4. Parents are requested to meet their children in case of urgent necessity and in that case prior permission must be obtained from Headmaster.

5. Parents are requested not to send their sons / daughters suffering from infectious diseases (ex. - chickenpox, measles, conjunctivitis etc.).

6. No leave of students will be granted during school hours except in case of urgency.

7. The school strictly forbids the following items: -

(i) Mobile phones / Video games.

(ii) Self-driven vehicles (especially motorcycle and cars) except Bicycles.

(iii) Any product containing tobacco.

(iv) Colored and stylish hairstyles.

(v) Valuable jewelry items.

8. Students must not cause damage to school properties.

9. 75% attendance is mandatory for each and every student to sit for Annual Examination.