Rules & Regulations

  1. Students must enter the school premises by 10:40AM.
  2. If a student needs to leave early, the guardian must secure permission of the school authorities.
  3. In case of absence on a school day, students must produce a leave of absence letter signed by the guardian in the very next day.
  4. A student must maintain the sanctity and integrity of any kind of school property and the school as a whole.
  5. Guardians must take prior appointment in case they wish to meet a teacher.
  6. Active participation of students in all the co-curricular activities is mandatory.
  7. Students are expected to be polite in manner while dealing with the school staffs as well as their schoolmates.
  8. Students must attend 75% of the classes in an academic year.
  9. Students are not allowed to litter inside the campus and will keep the surrounding clean.
  10. It is compulsory wear the uniform during school time along with carrying their respective ID Cards.
  11. For safety and security purpose, the students are not allowed to carry any valuables like jewellery, electronic devices etc. in the school premises.
  12. Any form of bullying and or ragging is strictly prohibited.