Rules & Regulations

Rules and Regulations


  • Every student should remain present at “Daily Assembly” starting at 10.40 AM i.e. commencement of School Hour,
  • Dress code ( i.e. wearing “School Uniform” ) should be followed by every student strictly,
  • To be an active learner, remaining “Present” on everyday (except illness or unavoidable causes) is compulsory. Cause of Absence (greater than three consecutive days) should be submitted in written to HM without fail,
  • No prior leave / departure before completion of School Hour would be granted except legitimate written appeal from concerned guardian(s),
  • Any mischievous activity or arrogant behavior on the part of a student, derogatory to the Reputation of our Institution would be dealt seriously (with zero tolerance),
  • Intentional damage or loss to School Asset(s) caused by any student should be compensated by concerned guardian with undertaking of “ no recurrence “,
  • Any student, under no circumstances, should carry or use “Mobile Phone” within school premises. Furthermore, ours is a “Tobacco Free” Institution – carrying or using any tobacco product(s) is prohibited accordingly – liable to penal action as per Provision of Law,
  • Our student, we do believe, is “Budding Resource” of Future India with unique potential(s) – help us to serve and nurture him / her better,

             Issued by  -------  HM , Gurap R K Institution (H.S.)