Rules & Regulations
- Weekly opening day is Sunday and closing day is Friday following the week end half day of Saturday.
- Leave List followed as per D.P.S.C Purulia, getting advantage muslim festivals according to actual happening of the day.
- In no way exceed the leave above mention D.P.S.C Leave List each year.
- Each teacher must enter the school 10 minute early before the starting of Class every day.
- Children should attend school before prayer session regularly.
- Children should bring personal water bottle for their safety and hygienic good condition.
- Guardian may access Head Teacher Desk for their children better understanding, acquisition,advice etc in any day any time. Only wait from Head teacher response .
- Guardians are not allowed to supervise any child directly in school campus without the permission from Teacher(s)/Head Teacher.
- Children should follow local administration of the Institution and do their performance as per Child Cabinet. No guardian is allowed to interfere their work.
- Every teacher must follow teachers diary regularly along with preparing worksheet as per their need from pupils.
- All teachers should use TLM in accordance to their classroom demonstration for the easily realization of the pupils.
- School follow special days of program each year in time,session arranging/organizing through the pupils of the school. If necessary with the help of guardians.
- Guardian must attend on the day of meeting by call or letter.
- Mid day meal scheme is running in this school. Children take their meal for half an hour after the first half of schooling each day.
- Mid day meal eating plate is available here, not necessary carry it from home personaly.
- Children should use hand wash soap before and after of meal regular, which is available here.
- No donation is collected from pupils for schooling. It is full free school.