Rules & Regulations


  1. Students have to come to School before 10.35 a.m. attending prayer is compulsory.
  2. After prayer students must go straight to their classroom in line and sit in a quite manner in the classroom. It is every student’s responsibility to create an environment conducive for studies.
  3. No students will be allowed to stand near the door or loiter in the balcony during the classes.
  4. No students will be allowed to come outside the classroom except during Tiffin –time.
  5. It is every student’s duty to keep the school clean and tidy. all furniture, electrical appliances ,study materials, fitting and fixtures must be taken care of by the students.
  6. Students must bring text-books and exercise-books daily according to class routine and teacher instructions.
  7. Regular attendance is compulsory. In case of occasional absence, student must submit to their Class-teacher the reason of their absence, signed by their guardian in their class diary.