1. Students must come to school regularly.
2. Pupils must attend school punctually. All late comers will be allowed to attend the classes with HOI's permission.
3. The school begins with the morning prayer wherein all students must be present.
4. Students must come to school in correct and tidy uniform.
5. Absence from school must be justified by written application signed by Guardian in the regularity record (absent) pages of the school diary.
6. No pupil will be allowed to leave school premises without the permission of HOI.
7. Students must always address their teachers, parents and all senior members with due respect and politeness.
8. Students must not cause damage to the school property.
9. Pupils are not permitted to behave in any manner detrimental to the moral and disciplined one set in the school.
10. Students are not permitted to carry expensive objects like audio-video tapes, calculators, mobile phones etc.
11. Nails should be regularly pared. Boys should have their hair trimmed short and girls with long hair should have their hair tied in a pony tail or neatly plaited.
12. No jewellery is allowed except for a single pair of small ear studs. Use of mehendi, hair colour or nail polish is not permitted. Girls are not allowed to pierce their nose or use nose rings/studs.
13. Students should not be seen aimlessly loitering in the school premises during class hours otherwise action be taken against them.
14. It is compulsory for all students to participate and attend Annual School Functions when called for.
15. Every student attending school is obliged to take part in extra and co-curricular activities such as excursions, projects, fests, competitions held time to time by the school.