JODHPUR PARK BOYS’ SCHOOL RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. The school is affiliated to W.B Board of Secondary Education and the W.B Council of Higher Secondary Education. The Syllabus of the Primary section is laid done by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education and that of the Secondary section by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and that of the Higher Secondary Section by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. The school works in two sessions ;the primary section (classes Pre Primary to V) is the morning section and classes VI to XII constitute the day section . 2. Timings : Morning section – 6:50 am to 10:15 am. Day section – 10:45 am to 4:30 pm ( On Monday to Friday) On Saturday -10:45 am to 1:55 pm. 3. All students have to deposit the session fee and other charges by the end of February in a particular academic year . 4. If a student changes his school in mid session the Headmaster should be informed in advance of the event. The guardians of the said student must deposit the session fee and other charges before the issuance of Transfer certificate will be issued. 5. (a) Class X students will appear for the following exams during the academic year : Unit Test : 1. 40 marks (Summative) + 10 marks (Formative) Unit Test : 2. 40 marks (Summative) + 10 marks (Formative) Selection test : 90 marks (written) + 10 marks (oral) Student will be sent up to appear for Madhyamik Exam on the basis of their results in the Selection Test and the percentage of attendance. (b) Class XI will appear for a First Term Exam, Half-Yearly Examination and the Annual Examination will be conducted by the W.B Council of Higher Secondary Education on the days set by the Council. Students will be promoted on the basis of their results in the Annual Examination. The guidelines of the Council will be followed in this regard. (c) Class XII shall appear for a Pre Selection Test and Selection Test, the dates of which are announced by the school authorities. (d) Students of the Primary section will be evaluated continuously throughout the year, on the basis of their art and craft work as well as their performance at school in other activities. Students will be evaluated on the following points : i. Students should be dressed in the prescribed school uniform. ii. They should be attentive in the classrooms. iii. They should co-operate with their classmates and participate in all activities and programmes as conducted by the school. iv. They are to obey all the rules and regulations of the school. v. Academically they should regularly finish home work as assigned by their teachers. 6. Result declared by the school is final and there is no place for reconsideration. 7. Proof of a candidate’s age is to be provided at the time of admission and no change can be made thereafter. 8. Absence of a student on medical ground will entail the submission of a medical certificate along with application to the Headmaster. In this regard, it may be mentioned that the W.B Board of Secondary Education and the H.S Council requires 70% attendance. 9. Educational tours are conducted by the school at least once during an academic year. Expenses are paid by the students, wholly or in part depending on the destination. 10. Prior permission must be obtained using the requisite column in the school diary to meet the Headmaster, Assistant Headmaster or Assistant Teachers, librarian and other staff of the school. 11. Guardians may meet class teachers after conveying their desire to do so through their wards. 12. If a guardian is asked to meet the Head Master or any subject teacher in a matter concerning his ward, it is imperative that he do so on the date and time specified by the school authority. 13. Guardians are requested to send their wards regularly to school in full and proper school uniform. Otherwise, the right to allow entry to the classroom rests with the concerned teacher/ the Headmaster of the institution. 14. Prescribed school uniform. a) Uniform on normal days. White full or half sleeved shirt with the school monogram, grey shorts / trousers, white socks and black leather shoes. Class XI and XII students will also wear the grey school tie. b) Uniform for Physical Education classes : (for class VI to X) White round necked tee-shirt with school monogram, white shorts, white socks and white keds. c) Winter uniform : Navy blue Sweater, navy blue muffler scarf and woollen cap. 15. The school organises a Mid-Day-Meal for all students upto class VIII. Other students may carry lunch boxes to school from home. Special Note : Admission to Pre-Primary section is conducted by lottery on days announced by W.B Govt. All STUDENTS MUST ABIDE BY THE FOLLOWING RULES: 1. Students must arrive at school dress in prescribed school uniform. 2. Students must arrive 15 minutes before the resumption of school hours. Students of the morning section should arrive by 6:40 am and those of the day section by 10:45 am respectively. . 3. After the morning assembly,8 students should go to their respective classroom in a disciplined manner. Henceforth they are not to leave their classroom. 4. Students are forbidden to leave their classroom during a class or in the interval between two periods without the permission of the class monitor or the concerned teacher. 5. Leaving the school premises during school hours is a punishable offence. 6. Students are to enter their classrooms immediately after the tiffin break ends; that is when the first bell is rung announcing the end of the tiffin break. 7. Two monitors are appointed in each class and students are to abide by their instructions . 8. Only monitors can meet a concerned teacher / the Headmaster, regarding any urgent matter relating to the concerned class. 9. A student will not be allowed to leave the school premises once he enters it, unless he falls sick and needs to go home. 10.A student may meet a particular teacher between 2pm to 3pm each day with the prior permission of his class monitor to leave the classroom. 11. No student shall meet the Headmaster or enter the teacher’s room without prior permission. 12. According to the regulation of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education all students from class I to X are required to have 70% attendance is an academic year. The West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education stipulates 70% attendance for students of classes XI and XII. Students in Higher Secondary Secondary failing to obtain the desired percentage may not be allowed to appear in HS exams 13. All students have to must attend the activities / events organized by the school. 14. Students should participate in the games and sports organized by the school. 15. In the case of a student being absent from the school it is mandatory that the absence is recorded in the appropriate column in the School diary and attested by the guardians of the students. 16. Students must be regular in their academic activities, finish their assignments in time, and bring text books, note books to school according the school timetable. They have to compulsorily bring the school diary everyday to school. 17. It is the duty of every student to keep the classroom and premises clean. They can do so by not littering the premises and by using the trash cans placed for that purpose. Damage caused to school property is punishable and compensation must be paid by the guardian of the concerned student. Defacing desk and walls of the classroom is strictly prohibited. 18. Students are expected to be disciplined, well behaved and polite in their behaviour . Indisciplined students will be punished if they indulge in fights with other students. 19. The school library can be used by the school students. But they must not scribble on library books or tear out pages from the books. This will not be tolerated. Books borrowed must be returned in time. Reference books are not allowed to be taken home. Students are allowed to read them during school hours. 20. Students must work in the school laboratories with discipline and caution under the guidance of the concerned teacher. If any equipment is damaged / broken compensation will be paid by all students present in the laboratory . . 21. Carrying of mobile phone is strictly prohibited. If found the phone will be confiscated and appropriated steps will be taken. 22. Students must regularly access the school website for updates, notices