Classes of V to X, class XII and class XI would commence on and from 2nd January 2020; 2nd May 2020 and 1st July 2020 respectively.
No refund of admission fees is admissible if once finally admitted.
All the fees of the concerned year are to be cleared along with any application (if made) for transfer certificate.
If any student fails to attain promotion for the first time in any class he/she should reserve his/her seat within the date prescribed by the school. Otherwise no seat would be kept reserved for him.
The tailored uniforms should be student like. Otherwise he/she would be refused admittance to the school.
It is mandatory to participate in the prayers regularly. The time of prayer is 10.40 a.m.
Students should regularly attend school in proper uniforms.
Uniforms and behaviours should definitely be student like. Entrance in school is prohibitted with short length shirts, low-waist trousers, any sort of wrist bands, chains around throat, wrist-wath, jacket, caps, bangles in wrist & tatoos. Artificially coloured hairs are not allowed in the school. Hair cuts should be traditional student-like and tasteful.
Clean uniforms should be accompanied by water bottles and tiffins. The main gate of the school will remain closed during tiffin hours.
Loitering outside the classroom or in corridoors after the ringing of the bell is prohibitted. Permission of the concerned teacher or monitor is necessary for leaving the classroom in a special case.
Mobile phones or any electronic gadgets (except calculators) are strictly prohibitted inside the school. Violation of such prohibitions would amount to infringement of discipline. In such a case the instrument would be forfeited. Strict punishment would be inflicted according to the situation.
Damage to any property of the school should be reimbursed.
Any sort of indiscipline in the school would be strictly dealt win.
Completion of a given project under the guidance of the subject teacher is mandatory. Fully completed Project Work Books should be deposited to the respective subject teachers within stipulated period. Otherwise he/she would be considered plucked in the final examinations in accordance with the norms of W.B.B.S.E. and W.B.C.H.S.E.
The instructions given in the prospectus are mandatorily to be followed. A student should always keep the prospectus with him/her in school.
Rule of the class room:
One should be disciplined and maintain proper environment for studies in a class room.
Silence and proper queue should be maintained while moving from one class to another, to library and to laboratory etc.
After the final bell students should leave school and class rooms in a proper queue.