1. Special attention is given to ensure a high standard of morality and discipline in the school. All the students are expected to obey the rules and regulations of the school.
2. Students are answerable to the school authotities for their concuct in and outside the school.
3.To be admitted to the class rooms, absentees and late comers must show the teacher their Regularity Record, duly signed by the parents.
4. The students have to come to school in proper school uniform and hair cut (for boys).
5. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each article should be marked with the students name and class..
6. No electronic gadgets such as cell phones, two wheelers, and other objectionable material shall be brought to the school.
7. Every student is expected to be punctual, smart, humble, honest, truthful, gentle and kind to others inside and outside the school.