Discipline plays an important role in building up the future of a student. So all the students are instructed to abide by the rules and regulations written below : – 1. Students are reminded to address their teachers and all the members of the staff with due respect and politeness. They are expected to behave in a proper manner. 2. All the students must wear their uniform neat and clean. Uniform : Boys – Blue pant and white shirt. Girls – Blue skirt & white shirt for class V to class VIII and blue salwar & white kameez with blue / white veil for class IX to class XII * Sweater must be white / blue in colour. 3. Students must carry Identity card and School Diary every day at school. 4. Students must fill up the format of student information and get it signed by their respective class teacher within seven days of receiving the School Diary. 5. Students who have been absent from class must have the reason entered in the record stating briefly the cause of this absence with the signature of the guardian and submit it to the class teacher. 6. Each girl student must have her hair braided neatly. For short hair they may use black clips or bands. Ornaments in any form are not allowed. 7. Amnlet, Talisman and Holy Thread should we worn under their uniform. Any kind of Earring, Chain, Bungle, Bracelet should not be worn in any form. 8. Students should bring only text books and library books in the school. Other books are not allowed. They must bring exercise books for each period. 9. Student should not leave the School premises without the permission of the headmaster. Students must have the regularity record filled up by the guardians if they have want to go home during School hours. 10. They should not loiter in the corridor aimlessly except Tiffin break or Recesses . 11. Riding bicycles and playing any type of ball in the School premises is not permitted. Students must keep their cycles under the cycle-stand according to class. 12. Students might to handle School property carefully. Writing on the wall or desk must be avoided by all means. Fine will be charged for any damage cost caused to the School property. 13. Student must not carry and use Mobile phones in the campus. 14. The School gate will close at 10:40 a.m. 15. Students from class V to class VIII should wash their hands and dishes before and after taking Mid-Day-Meal. 16. Student must turn off the taps after using it. They should keep those clean. 17. During school functions / programmes attendance of students is compulsory. 18. At Daily Assembly attendance of all is obligatory. 19. Keep the campus clean. Don’t litter food / waste materials in the classroom or campus. Always use the Dustbin.