There are some rules and regulations for students.
1.Regular attendance in school is compulsory for all.
2.It is compulsory for every pupil to wear prescribed school uniform and shoes. 3.Parents need to apply for leave of absence to H.T for their children if they are absent . 4.Every student is expected to be present daily assembly on 10.30 A.M.They must be punctual on it.
5.All students must sing the national anthem with pride and respect.
6.All students must be punctual for lessons.Attendance must be taken by the class teacher before the start of first period.
7.Students must not to leave without the permission of class teacher.
8.At the time of M.D.M, students must wash their hands carefully. 9. Take care of school properties and premises. 10.Maintain highest standard of cleanliness at all time on school premises.Cleanliness includes the maintenance of immediate surrounding areas.