
The school strictly follows the Time table given by WBBSE.

Appointed hour-10.35AM


10.50-11.30-1st Period

11.30-12.10-2nd Period

12.10-12.50-3rd Period

12.50-13.30-4th Period


14.10-14.45-5th Period

14.45-15.20-6th Period


15.20-15.55-7th Period

15.55-16.30-8th Period

NB- The morning shift is announced during summer depending on the situation. ,   NCC drills and activities are held and as soon as the school hour is over. Non Resdential Archery camp begins.in afternoon session.NCC cadets are allowed to enter the school campus even in early morning for practice, drill,under strivt supervision of ANO .