
Our renowened Mitra Institution at Bhowanipur set off for our noble mission along with Sir Asutosh Mookerjee and other famous educationalist on 3rd febuary 1905. We are glad to say that from that time till now the pupils of our school are well established in many foreign countries. As we progress in our mission one by one we have celebrated our Silver Jubilee and Platinum Jubilee and we are proud to say that 2004 was the Centenary Year. But recently our Ex Students have felt a need of an organisation for their development. From their need "Maitree" set off with a new vision by organising felicitation of present and Ex Teachers on 5th September 2012. We have taken the name "Maitree" from the school magazine created by famous educationalist Indubhusan Deb and the writer Kabisekhar Kalidas Roy.

The main aim and vission of "Maitree" is to re unite all the ex students to smooth our journey and to fulfill our objective in all possible ways. Our mission is also to strengthen the objective of spreading the light of education among all people which had taken as an oath, before 108 years ago. Our organisation has started renovation in different sectors to benifit the students and to establish them in their future. we are trying to enthusize the students by organising sit and draw competition. Above all we are glad to say that "Maitree" has created glorious example by rewarding the meritorious students of Class X and other students of our locality. We can say that it is possible to implement all this with the cooperation of the present teachers and the eranest help of the managing body.

I hope and welcome more students to form "Maitree" with our work process so that we can hold on our tradition and pride of our school and our organisation.