From the Head Of Institution Desk

Headmaster Desk:

It is indeed very happy moment for me to address you all being the Head of an institution, which has grown up over these 70 years. It is the time to recall, rejoice and renew…. To recall the past, to rejoice at the marvels that have been accomplished and to plan for the future, taking stock of the past performances. My service for the last 16 years as Headmaster of this institution, has blessed me with amazing insights into the development of the young minds. Education is always dynamic. So, to meet the needs of the changing times, the goal of education has to be modified and the plan and programme of imparting it has to be decided. Universalisation of elementary education is the prime focus of the different policies related to education, framed by the government. Right to education bill, 2008 has guaranteed free and compulsory education of equitable quality to all children who has attained the age of 6 years.

The highly qualified teachers and other staff, everybody, at every stage, is with me with their importance. Ideas have brought us together and with ideals, we stay together. To implement something new, we share our ideas together.

I strongly believe, success is not a matter of luck. Only discipline, hard work, sincerity and a love for the work, can take us to our ultimate destination. I cannot predict the future of my dear students, but with dedicated co-operation of our Teachers, Management and the whole Texmaco family, I can guide you to invent your own future.