Bankura Sib Sankar Uchcha Balika Vidyapith welcomes you to a journey filled with joy and aspirations of students with global outlook but rooted to bringing our country to the pinnacle of glory.
I feel honoured to be in charge of such as Institution which aims at developing the best that is talent in children and to encourage the child to explore and ravel the joy of learning. Our school is filled with enthusiastic students willing to learn, supportive parents interested in their children's education, and a dedicated staff committed to provide the students with a quality education. We provide a balanced environment focused on shaping children into leaders of time. Now by offering comprehensive education to Samagro Vikas. The child's interest his capability and ability is recognised and channelised in a way that his thoughts are not restricted to his personal growth but goes beyond it, focusing on developments of society and the nation also.
Head Of The Institution