Welcome to the official website of Keshabpur High School( H.S) ! A school is the place where the child develops his/her dreams, imbibes elements from the environment to shape his/ her personality, socializes and learns to conform to the expected behaviour and ways of the world. And here is the importance of education! From the inception of our school we believe in quality education which is not confined to text books alone. It is the kind of education which can fetch the learners all round development in physical, psychological and intellectual sense. The school embarks on the mission to enlighten young minds with deliberate and systematic education, inculcate into them the spirit of human as well as social values so that they can confidently face life's hardship, succeed in the struggle for existence and prove themselves assets to humanity. My sincere thanks to our dedicated and experienced teachers, all staff and supportive guardians without whom such challenging tasks would not be possible.