
            Natidanga Amiya Smriti Vidyalaya (H.S.), now a Govt. Sponsored Co-Educational School, was founded in 1953. It is located in Karimpur-II Block under the jurisdiction of Tehatta Sub-Division  in the district of Nadia, West Bengal.  It is now one of the leading and prestigious schools of  the locality where the teachers are well qualified, caring and dedicated to the academic excellence of the school. But it has a long and struggling past overcoming which the school has attained  such a stature.

           It was 1953. Some six years had elapsed since India had got independence from the oppression of the British Imperialism.  Almost all the people of this locality were poor, fighting a grim battle against dire poverty and  the abysmal darkness of illiteracy.

      People of the locality, under the able guidance of Late Sudhir Kumar Srakar, Late Upendranath Maitra, Late Barindranath Bhattacharya , Late Halim Biswas and few others, came ahead and started organising a school   with a pledge to remove the curse of illiteracy of the poor and helpless  people of the area.

         The school was named Natidanga Amiya Smriti Vidyalaya in the name of then Zamindar Amiyaranjan  Pal Choudhury , husband of Ila Pal Choudhury, reputed Indian Parliamentarian and social worker. The school initially started in the kachhari bari of the then Zamindar. People of the locality, irrespective of their social, economic or religious differences rose up to generously donate land for the construction of the school building as well as the  school play ground. The school is  truly the off -spring of the people of all walks of life.

          The school was recognized as a 2 class Junior High School with effect from 01.01.1955 vide memo no. 1307 dt. 23.11.1955 . Then the school got recognition as a Senior Basic School with effect from 01.04.1960 vide Memo No. 1135(18)/SC/P   45-105P-58  dt.17.03.1959. Then the school was upgraded to a High School with effect from 01.01.1966 vide Memo No. 15116/G/ dt 17.09.1966  The School had its upgradation as a Higher Secondary School with effect from 21.07.2002 vide Memo No. DS(A)SD/229/Recg/02 dt. 21.07.2002.  Along with Arts, Science Stream was introduced.  The school is now a Govt. Sponsored High School with effect from 30.07.2013 vide Memo No. 9767/RMSA/SL/55-2264/12 . We have well-equipped Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography Laboratory along with a Library .

           The staff, members of the School managing Committee and guardians are co-operative  and sincere to uphold the  prestige of the school. The academic performance of the students is mention-worthy.  They are diligent and well-disciplined, too.