Rules and Regulations that the students must follow :
1. Each student will have to attend the school in the uniform specified by the school. Else, no student would be allowed to attend classes.
2. Students will have to atend the schoole at least 80% of the instructional days. If not, they would not be given permission to appear at the examinations.
3. If a student remains absent from the school for any reason , he/ she will have to produce guaradian's letter mentioning the reasons of absnece.
4.They will have to ateend the Prayer Meeting everyday showing due respect to our national Anthem.
5. No student will be allowed to come out of the classroom without the consent of the class monitor, Violation of it will be taken seriously.
6.No student will be allowewd to leave before the end of the shool hour without the consent of the Headmaster of the school.
7. Each of the students have to appear at all the tests/ examinations/evaluations Otherwise , they will not be promoted to teh next higher class.
8. Every student must come to school putting on the school badge or carrying the identity card provided by the school.
9. During school hour no student will be alowed to be outside the school campus in school uniform. If so happens, strict actions would be taken against them.
10. No student will be allowed to come to school with mobile phones and use them in school.