
There is no written document of how the school came to a start. From fragments of what are orally trasmitted we came to a conclusion that some local enthusiasts educationist started to organise a school in a left out colonial building sometime in 1963. Thereafter it shifted to a corrugated shed near the mango grove of Jasimuddin Biswas. And later generous Panchu Biswas , Layeb Karikar and Samir Biswas donated a patch of land where a structure was made of bamboo and straw. Over a time it got sanctioned as 4th Junior High School sometime in 1964. In 1968 the school was raised to the status of 8th Class Junior High School and some enthusiasts like Ruhul Amin Mondal , Nabakumar Mondal , Buddhadeb Pandey , Santosh Sinha Roy , Bimal Kumar Tiwari and Sahar Ali Khan voluteered to teach there. It was due to the tireless effort , visionary zeal and dedication of those local enthusiasts that the school was raised to the status of10th Class High School in 1969 w.e.f 01.01.1969. This would not have been possible without the generous effort of honourable Dr. Dulal Chandra Mukherjee , the then Prof of Chemistry in Calcutta University. Dr. Mukherjee was originally a resident of Pratapnagar adjacent to Sadipur. The first who held the post of Headmaster in the school was Hon. Mrinalkanti Mukherjee later Hon. Ruhul Amin Mondal took over the baton. Though the school faced many obstacles like lack of permanent post , financial crunch and high drop out rate , those in charge did not let loose the harness. And after a long period in 2009 the school was recognised as a Higher Secondary School with only Arts stream. A new era began for Sadipur High School with this and the appointment of a handfull of specialist subject teacher in different discipine.