Ranaghat Brojobala Girls' High School is situated at the heart of Ranaghat town and carries a long history with its existence. The school was established in the year 1921 with a few students. Initially it was a primary school. After that it was raised into a high school in the year 1926. The then head of the institution was Smt. Premsadhana Sarkar. With her painstaking efforts and untiring energy the school attains the stature of a girls' high school. Smt. Brojobala Devi, a generous hearted lady and a resident of Ranaghat contributed land for establishing the school. The school starts flourishing with the advancement of time. New classes are added and school periphery starts to increase. From then the school has been witnessing several significant incidents and achieving many milestones. Now, the school is one of the well-known and reputed schools within the district and the town and arrestes admiration from all corners of the society. Things of repute include the results and acheivements of the well-deservng students in studies, students' active participations and acclamations in various games and sports, eco club formations and environment awareness programs and such co-curricular activities in which students take part with interest. The former HOI Dr. Banya Chakraborty (Shil) was conferred Shiksaratna award for her excellence. She contributed the money for the development of the school. Our present HOI Smt, Bijaya Das Roy is keeping the legacy alive with her erudite skills, analytical and judgemental power, management, and intensive care.