As the state and society sees and undergoes many ups and down, with the passage of time, I too have withstood the ravages of time to reach my present age of 133 years on 1st of January, 2018. I am your loving NIMTA HIGH SCHOOL. After so many years of journey, since my inception, to day, I am still bubbling with life. My friends, this day I would like to share, briefly, some of the nostalgic moments of my age and journey.
Before revealing myself, allow me to say something about my native land. Records available, say that my native land, Nimta, is even older than Calcutta (now Kolkata). It has a glorious heritage with the political changes in the then Bengal, called as ‘GOUR’, Nimta experienced the influence of cultural and religious changes too like other parts of Bengal. In the pre-Sultanatic era, it is believed by some historians that Buddhist Monastery existed in Nimta. In the 16th century, Nityananda Mahaprabhu came to Nimta to spread the teachings of Mahaprabhu Sri Chaitanya. A Nawadeep approved ‘Tol’, i.e. a place of teaching at primary level, was set up here. It came to ba known as ‘Nimta Tol’. Famous author Ram Ram Basu who wrote ‘KERI SAHEBER MUNSHI’ started his education in this ‘Nimta Tol’. My native land also witnessed the the birth of poet Krishna Ramdas, the author of famous books ‘Roy Mangal’ and ‘Kali9ka Mangal’. My native land is blessed to be the birth place of the great poet Satyendranath Dutta who had won the great admiration none other than Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. Tagore bestowed on him the title ‘Chander Jadukar’ (Wizard of Ryme) for his wonderful verses. The great Zamindar clan of the Bengal, Sabarna Roy Chowdhury resided in Nimta for some time. This is all about my native land.
Now allow me to introduce myself to you. Nimta had travelled with time and established itself as an affluent village. Naturally a cultural environment existed in Nimta village, due to famous Wood’s dispatch of 1854 which had an important effect on spreading English learning and female education in India and out of extreme urge in the people of Nimta to be enlightened, fluent in English, they felt the establishment of a School in the locality to serve their purpose. From this urge, initiative was taken by some far sighted people of my native land to acquire a land and collect money to build a school where English would be taught to the students. Three persons of Nimta, Sri Priyanath Bandopadhay, Sri Bisthu Chandra Mitra and Sri Bhagabati Charan Chattapadhay united to establish me on 1st of January, 1875 ( according to Bengali Calendar, the date was 18th posh, 1281 Bangabda). It was Friday. My founders named me as NIMTA ENGLISH HIGH SCHOOL. Some raises a doubt that whether I am not older than 1875. I don’t know. But from the records available with the University of Calcutta (now Kolkata), it appears that probably in 1881, three students of mine appeared, for the maiden time, at the Entrance Examination conducted by the University of Calcutta. Out of the three, two were successful. So, it can be averred that I came to existence before 1881. So, 1875 or may be little earlier cannot be proved. But the people of my native land marked the year 1875 as my foundation year and 1st January of 1875 as my foundation date. Without doubt, I can be called one of the Heritage Schools of my State West Bengal. So my founders, I convey my regards to you. You brought me out from the womb of thought to reality. Though it was fully a private endeavour, but that was the first step taken to embrace the rays of knowledge by the people of Nimta.
I was gradually flourishing, but suddenly my growth was stopped rather had to be stopped. It was a demoralizing phase of my life. Like other parts of Bengal, plague extended its killer grip of no escape amongst the people of Nimta. Added to this fatal disease, Bengali’s very own Malaria joined plague hand in hand to make the situation worst. It was probably 1896-1897, the Indian famine struck my native land too. The residents of Nimta abandoned their houses, many died in plague malaria and famine. My students left me in large numbers. The student strength thinned. Gradually, I lost my glory. One day I found that I am not enjoying the status of an English High School anymore. I became a school up to the 6th standard that was up to class six only. But these happened in our country’s pre independence era.
After India’s independence on 15th of August 1947 my next phase of journey starts. In post-independence days, due to the partition of India, many people crossed over from Pakistan and Settled in India. Nimta too had its share. Many people came and settled down. Many of the original inhabitants of Nimta who had fled during plague and famine, come back too. So NImta’s lost health regained. Population increased and Nimta began to buzz with life. The influx of people in Nimta and it’s adjoining areas like Durganagar, Birati, New Barrackpore created a demand for quality education for children and teenagers of these areas. This changed scenario brought back students to my campus. The steady and consistent flow of students, in the early part of the last century, gave me back my glory too. I was upgraded to a class eight standard school. That meant from a Minor School of previous class six standards, now I become a ‘Junior High School’ up to class eight. Years passed. In 1954, I was upgraded to class nine and next year i.e. in 1955, I was teaching students of class ten. The then Education Departments of the government of West Bengal gave us necessary permissions. I felt really delighted as well as proud when in 1956 the first batch of my students appeared for their School-Final-Examination and that batch enhanced the honour of my faculty members, as well as me, by giving us cent percent success result. No one failed. Tears of joy streamed my cheek. Many glories had been achieved by my students of after years, but that first batch was special. They gave me back my confidence, my identity. Within a few years, then on, I become a school of repute, not only of Nimta and its neighbouring areas, but of the district and also of the state to which I belongs. Students got admitted in large numbers, Teachers of repute joined me. They made me, nourished my children and took from heights to heights.
In short time not only in education but in cultural activities, sports, N.C.C. and in performing social duties, my students were in the front of all others institutions of the area. The importance of NIMTA HIGH SCHOOL, my new and still existing name, grew and recognized locality. When the higher secondary section started, I was adjudged as first preferred school for studying science by the students and their parents of Nimta and its adjoining areas. Even students from came to study science in large numbers. Parents rushed to get their wards admitted in class five. I enjoyed all these. I remembered all of them. The students are so close to my heart. Being above hundred, I enjoy rare distinctions of imparting education to three generation of same families many a times.
My first building is no more; only the trace of its brick foundation still exists in the foreground of my present campus. I presently have four wings of my campus interconnected with each other. With the initial science laboratories of past many years, with the demand of time new subjects have been introduced in higher secondary level like Computer Science, Geography, Statistics, Commercial Law and Preliminary Auditing, Education, Environmental Studies etc. From the year 2018, audio- visual classes for my dear students have introduced by me.
I saw so many things. I have changed with time. My status changed with the need and condition of time. I saw empty classes, vibrant classes, saw the passing away of many of my student teachers and staff. I laughed with the joyous faces and cried with their agony. I feel elated when my successful students of past and present come to visit me. I recognize their steps as a mother recognizes her son’s. Yes I had my tough times, I have obstacles to cross and in future I might have ups and downs, but I don’t gave up then, I am resolute to overcome all with the help of my students, staff and guardian, the three indispensable pillars of my success and progress. They had helped me to celebrate my 100th foundation day in 1975; 125th foundation in 2000 and now I look forward to celebrate 150th foundation day with in 2025. I will love to be in 2025 and much beyond that. Yes its true many may not be there with me, but old welcomes the new and the journey goes on. I now a government (West Bengal) sponsored school from 2015 wishes my story to continue till the “Judgment Day”.