1. Every student should attend the school regularly. They should carry school's dinolipi everyday to the school. Otherwise they may be asked to leave the school by the school authority.
2. To leave school early, the guardian should send written request to the school authority in the proper format. Otherwise the concern student will not be allowed to leave the school. In a month a student can avail only two days of such leave. If a student leaves school without proper permission, he is liable to punishment and called for guardian.
3. Every student has to note down in the proper space of his dinolipi the reason of his absence from school with duly signed by the guardian and submit it to the class teacher on his first day of joining the school after his absence.
4. At stretch of 15 days from school student has to submit separate applicationfrom their guardian stating justified reason of absence with medical cirtificate to the head of the institution and obtain written permission.
5. No student is allowed to stand or loiter in the varandah and corridor of the school building in between his class. They are to remained seated in their respective seats during this time.
6. Without justified reason of absence a student will not be allowed to appear his summative and periodical examinations if his attendence falls below 50%. Attendence between 50% and 70% of total classes may draw a fine by the authority.
7. Student's bringing bycycle to school are requested to keep these bycles at the place marked by school and nowhere else. They are sole responsible for the security of their bycle within the school campus. School authority is not responsible for the loss of bycles from the school campus.
8. Students should not loiter polythine, plastics, paper bits in the campus. Keep school clean and maintain hygenic condition. Students should keep their classroom clean and teady.
9. Monitors should switch of lights and fans of their class room everyday after the last period of everyday.
10. No students are allowed to enter in the other classroom without due permission from their teacher.
11. In off period student should remain in the classes and study. They can go to school librery. Loitering and breaking school discipline during such periods will be taken as punishable offence.
12. During tiffin break, no students are allowed to go outside the school campus. Only on the production of due permission from class teachers / head of the institutuion / assistent head master, the student will be allowed to leave in break.
13. Bringing mobile phone to school is completely prohibited. Breaking this rule is apunishable offence.
14. Destruction of school property like table , chair, bench, light, fan and other items by the students is a punishable offence. Students involved in such activities will be punished. They will have to pay fine or replace the destroyed item.
15. Dont't misuse drinking water.
16. Student should know the rules of using bathroom and toilet.
17. No students are allowed to enter head master's room, assistance head master's room, school office, laboratories, library and staff room without permission of the authority.
18. For availing free treatment in student's health home by producing school's fee slip as our school is under student's health home.