Tiljala Brajanath Vidyapith was established on 26th March 1954 and started functioning with very few students at Picnic Park in a room donated by Late Ananda Mukherjee, Late Arati Mukherjee.The then President of the School Managing Committee was Late Promothonath Roy, Secretary was Prof. Santosh Mitra and the Headmaster was Late Rakhaldatta Roy. Then the school was named as Tiljala Vidyapith. Later on with the increase in the urge of education and number of students there was a requirement of a proper school building. Then the wife of Late Brajanath Ghosh Late Ranibala Ghosh and her sons donated the land on which the present school was built and it was renamed as Tiljala Brajanath Vidyapith.In the year 1957 this Institution was approved by the State Government and it received grant from the Govt. in the year 1960.Slowly and gradually this school was transsformed into a three storied buiding from earthen tiled rooffed classroom with bamboo fencing. A new phase started in the history of this school when it got permission for opening Higher Secondary Section with all three streams of Science, Commerce and Humanities in the year 1982. Tiljala Brajanath Vidyapioth became a Government Sponsered School in the year 2013. Government approved headmasters Late Abinash Chandra Roy, Late Gireen Chakraborty, Late Suropati Nandi guided the development of this Institution one after another and the resposibility was taken over by Late Dhiresh Chandra Bhattacharya who became Headmaster in the year 1971. Then with the passage of time the school was run by the then Teacher Incharge Shri Rabindranath Bhunia ( 2002-2004) , Headmaster Abdul Hamid (2004-2014), Teacher Incharge Shri Surya Kumar Tripathi (2014-2019) and at present the school is run under the guidance of the Headmistress Dr Soma Dhole who joined this Institution in the year 2019.