Rules & Regulations



  • Every day from Monday to Saturday the school starts at 10.35am and the assembly begins at 10.45am so the reporting for all students is 10 minutes before the commencement of the assembly.
  • Sharp at 10.40am the main gate of the school will be closed and nobody will be allowed to enter till assembly gets over.
  • No students will be allowed to enter the school premises after 10.50am.
  • If a student gets late for three days in a week, makes it a regular manner in all four weeks his or her parents will be called for the submission of a letter mentioning reason.
  • The main gate of the school remains closed till the school period gets over.
  • Half day holidays will not be granted to any student except for any emergency situation that may occur.


  • No students will be allowed to enter the school premises without proper uniform prescribed in the school diary.
  • It is mandatory for both for boy and girl students to wear school uniform bearing proper school monogram.
  • In winter only black cardigans will be allowed for boy students and navy blue for girl students.
  • It is mandatory for all girl students of class XI and XII t come to school with hair tied in two plates.
  • Students wearing anything other than proper school uniform will be warned and if it continues then that particular item will be confiscated by the school authority.
  • It is mandatory for the girl students to come to school with their hair tied in two plaits.


  • Total 75% attendance is a must in an academic year for every student.
  • Students less than 75% attendance will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
  • Even absent for one day has to be informed through letter mentioning the reason.
  •  Absent for consecutive minimum days or more will require doctor’s prescription and medical certificate.
  • Student name will be deleted from the school register if he or she remains absent for consecutive 3 months without informing the school authority.


  • Admission to any class will be according to the Govt. Rule.
  • Examination of all classes will be held as per the circular of the WBBSE and WBCHSE
  • Re-examination will not be held for any student who fails to appear for the examination.
  • No student should contact any teacher for his or her promotion as the decision of the school authority is final regarding this matter.
  • It is mandatory for all students from class V-VIII to have hot cooked meal in school under MID-Day Meal Scheme by SSM.
  • Class monitors are responsible to maintain discipline in class and all students should co-operate with them.
  • Mobile phone is prohibited in the school campus , any student found with the mobile phone will be caught an the mobile set will be confiscated.
  • Time for fees deposit is from 11.15am to 1.00pm
  • Time for meeting the Headmistress is from 3pm to 4 pm.
  • For getting TC application should be submitted to the school office mentioning reason at least two days before.
  • Students suffering from any kind of infectious disease  should not attend the school until he or she gets fit certificate from a doctor.
  • It is mandatory for the parents to attend guardian Teacher Meeting as mark sheet will be handed over only to the guardian.