Nabagram Mayna Pulin Behari High School started its journey as M.E. School on 2nd January in the year 1916 and has passed its 100th year in 2016. The school was founded by Sri Baidyanath Mazumder in memoriam of his father Late Pulin Behari Mazumder. With the help of the people of Nabagram and its neighbouring villages the school building was erected. Among the donors the name of Late Pareshnath Majumder is to be mentioned. The school was recognised as a high school on 01.03.1961 vide Memo No. 3344/G dt. 03.03.1961. The school came under Grant-In-Aid scheme w.e.f. 01.04.1961 vide West Bengal Board of Secondary Education's Memo No. 536/20 dt. 15.01.1963. The school came under the Salary Deficit Scheme w.e.f. 01.05 .1972. It was updated to a H.S. School with general Stream Course w.e.f. 2002-2003 Session vide West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education's Memo No. DS(A)/SD/244/Recog/02 dt.28.07.2002. The school got permission to impart Vocational Training in the year 2006. As a result a new building for Vocational Training was set up.