Rules & Regulations

1. All Students must be in school by 9:10 a.m. and attend the school assembly.

2. Students must not be absent on the final day of the term. If any students is absent for five consecutive days without informing the schoo her name will be removed from the register.

3. Students are not allowed to leave the school  premises without the permission of the Headmistress.

4. Students should take care of their own books and belongings.

5. Students should be properly dressed. Short Skirt, jewellery, make-up, coloured hair, long and polished nails are not allowed.

6. Students should refrain from bringing any kind of film magazines, novels, photo, mobile phone, ear phones ets. if ay students is caught with those things they will be confiscated and not be given back.

7. Students must take part in all the co-cirricular activities.

8. The school authority is not responsible for students before and after school hours.

9. Students involved in any kind of misconduct like fighting, drugs/ alchol, smoking, stealing and running away from school will automatically call for expulsion from school

10. Each student must obtain at least 34% in all the subjects in order to be promoted.

11. Students have to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for a student. shouting, screaming and laughing out loud in and around school premises is strictly prohibited.