1 All the students should attend and reach the prayer line and classroom in time and should not leave the class without the permission of teacher/HM 2. All the students should wear proper uniform with shoes. 3. The behaviour of the students, both within and outside the school premises should be decent and befitting to a professional institution. 4. Students must park their vehicles only in the allotted space. 5. Student found guilty of ragging will be dismissed from school as per the Supreme Court ruling. 6. Student s are prohibited to bring or use mobile phones in the school campus. 7. This, being eco-friendly premises ,plastic and packages should not be thrown in the school premises. 8. Students will keep themselves informed of the instructions issued to them from time to time orally or through notices/circulars. 9. For educational tour/excursion , the students are required to submit a permission letter from their parents/guardians. 10. Smoking and use of any tobacco goods in school premises are strictly prohibited and punishable . 11. The Head of the institution shall be the final authority in the interpretation of the school rules.