Rules & Regulations
- Participation of every student is encouraged in sports and other co- curricular activities.
- Parents / Guardians of the students are expected to attend the Parent-Teacher’s meeting which will be held from time to time during the academic session.
- The students are forbidden to bring mobile phones to school.
*The above rules and regulations are subject to change as per instructions of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
The rules and regulations of our school are strictly followed in accordance with the guidelines of WBBSE.
- Students must reach school within 10.35 am and get prepared for the morning assembly.
- Students must come to school regularly in clean uniform.
- Students must attend school regularly for effective learning outcomes.
- Absence from school should be recorded in the school diary, mentioning the reason for absence with guardian’s signature.
- Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without prior permission.
- Students are supposed to attend extra or special classes whenever arranged for them for academic improvement.
- Attendance of students is compulsory on observation days.