Rules & Regulations

1) Every student should be punctual and enter the school premises, before scheduled start time.

2) Every student should come to school in proper school uniform.

3) Every student should attend school regularly. On being absent, reason for the absence should be mentioned in school diary, alongwith guardian signature. 

4) A student on being absent for more than consecutive 5 days, will have to produce an application to Headmistress stating the reason of absence, alongwith medical certificate.

5) No student will be allowed to leave school premises before scheduled time.

6) Every student(Class I to Class X) is expected to maintain a minimum of 75% attendance in an academic year.

7) Every student(Higher Secondary section) is expected to maintain a minimun of 70% attendance in an academic year.

8) No Student(Class I to Class X) is allowed to wear wrist watch, expect examination days.

9) No student is allowed to carry any electronic Gadgets(e.g mobile,tab) in school premises.If any of them(i.e gadgets) are found,it will be confiscated and fine will be imposed.

10) To get any type of certificate,application to office is required.One day after submission of application, certficate can be obtained.