1. Attendance in School On Time and In proper and clean Uniform is expected of every student.
2. 75% attendane every year is required to become eligible to sit in Final Summative Examination
3. Apllication for Leave of Absence for more than 2 days has to be submitted along with supporting reasons and signed by Guardian.
4. Early Leave is generally not allowed. In emergency cases it must be on written apllication and with the presence of Guardian.
5. School property is for the benefit of all and must be respected and its safety is our responsibility.
6. Wilful damage of School;s property will entail heavy compensatory fine and / or rustication.
7. Guardian meeting will be held in the last week of April, August and December every year to exchange views on the progress of education and the ones being educated. .
8. Change of address and mobile number is to be updated with school office.