Assembly : Everyone must attend the Assembly. If a student fails to attend in time for two days in a week s/he will be sent back home.
Absence : Any kind of Absence will have to be granted by the Headmaster.
Parent- Teacher Meet : Parents/ Guardians must attend these to discuss with the Teachers about the holistic progress of their wards. They may also meet any Teacher any day with prior permission for such discussions.
Assignments : Students must submit their Assignments in time. Assignents can not be submitted at a time at will.
Examination : Students must practise fair means in all the Exams. Any unfair means will attract measures like Confiscation of Answercripts, Annulment of Exams and/or Rustication.
Participation : Students are ere expected to participate in all the Curricular & Co-curricular Activities.
Awareness : Students must keep the school compound and the adjacent place neat and clean.