
                                    Class IX and X

  1. White & Chocolate Small Check Half
  2. Sleeves Shirt
  3. Full Black Pant
  4. White Socks
  5. Black Shoes

                                  Class XI and XII

  1. White Full Sleeves Shirt
  2. School Logo on Pocket
  3. School Neck Tie
  4. Full Black Pan/Skirt for Girls
  5. School Belt
  6. White Socks
  7. Black Shoes

                      RULES FOR SCHOOL UNIFORM

  • Wear clean and pressed uniform everyday
  • Shirts need to be tucked in neatly.
  • Nails to be pared and clean.
  • Shoes must be clean and shining.
  • Socks must be clean and white.
  • Hair must be neatly combed Only simple hair.
  • The school uniform is compulsory on all class days and at school functions
  • Students wearing unauthorized school uniform will not be permitted to attend classes.